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Winter Rentals Rules

The following information is furnished in order to help you know exactly what is expected of monthly tenants. We hope you enjoy staying at Sandbridge Beach. Please let us know if we can be of further assistance.

The following information is furnished in order to help you know exactly what is expected of monthly tenants. We hope you enjoy staying at Sandbridge Beach. Please let us know if we can be of further assistance.

1. We accept Personal Checks, Cashier's Checks, Money Orders, Wire Transfers, and online payments via Credit Cards (MC / VISA / DISCOVER / AMEX) or Electronic Check.
2. Rent is late if paid after the 5th of the month. Late payments include a late fee of 10% of the rental amount.
3. There is a $50 charge for checks returned by the bank for any reason.
4. Last full months rent due in advance. To be paid in four equal payments (for leases 6 months or longer) the first four months of occupancy. For leases less than 6 months, the last months rent must be paid in full upon check in (payment arrangements may be made at agent's discretion).

UTILITIES: If your property does not include utilities, you are responsible for covering costs of (VA Power, Va Beach Water, HRSD) from the first day to the last day of your lease. It is MANDATORY that utilities be kept on at all times during the lease. If service is disconnected prior to the expiration of your lease, you will be charged a $100 service charge. Please note: the utility companies will not change service on weekends. Siebert Realty does not quote rates or estimate the cost of your utilities and has no control over the cost of your electric, oil or propane heat, water or sewage.

POWER BILLS Keep in mind that if your unit does not include electricity, power bills tend to be high here due to weather conditions and the design of many of the beach houses. Please keep this in consideration when you are thinking about the amount of rent you have budgeted for.

TELEPHONE- You must use the existing phone number. The tenant may not disconnect, transfer, intercept or otherwise cause the disruption of the service to the existing phone number. Second lines may NOT be added in place of the existing phone number.

COX CABLE- All of our homes are on a year round cable, telephone, and internet program. Therefore, cable costs are already included in your monthly payment. The tenant may not disconnect, transfer, intercept or otherwise cause the disruption of this service.

OIL/PROPANE HEAT - In the case of a house that is heated with oil or propane, the tank will be topped off at the beginning of the lease at the owner's expense and the tenant will be responsible for topping off the tank upon their departure. A receipt must be furnished to Siebert Realty upon your departure that the tank was indeed filled.

The house should be clean and in good condition when you take occupancy. If the cleanliness is not satisfactory, please let us know immediately. Upon your departure, we expect the house to be very clean and in move-in condition for a new tenant. Addendum #4 of your lease describes the cleaning requirements we expect to be performed prior to your departure. Failure to leave the house in good condition could result in a deduction from your security deposit. The Housekeeping Department can be reached at 426-6200 extension is 703.

The carpet is to be professionally cleaned upon Lessee's departure. The cost to professionally clean the carpet is spread out over the first four months of your lease (for leases 6 months or longer). For leases less than 6 months, the carpet cleaning must be paid in full upon check in (payment arrangements to be made at agent's discretion.

In Sandbridge, trash is picked up by the city in automated trucks. Please push the large black trash can out to the edge of the road leaving the handle and wheels facing the house. From Labor Day to the following Memorial Day, trash pick up is on Tuesday only. Please be sure trash is at the street by 7am EVERY TUESDAY MORNING and removed from the street by midnight Tuesday. If the trash can is not removed in a timely manner, the city will ticket YOU.

You must maintain sufficient heat in the house (even if you go out of town) during the cool/cold weather months to prevent possible damage from frozen pipes. Should the pipes burst due to insufficient heat, the resulting cost and time consuming repairs will be Your responsibility. In the event of a very bad freeze during the winter, there may be as much as a two week waiting period for Siebert Realty to complete necessary repairs to broken water pipes. Siebert Realty/Owner is not responsible for extreme weather conditions, or for the damage to tenants personal property due to water damage from broken water pipes. It is understood that Siebert Realty/Owner is not responsible to provide alternate housing if tenant deems it necessary to vacate property while repairs are being completed. Tenants are responsible for heat/ac filters. ( We strongly recommend changing filters every 30 days.) Please contact Siebert Realty Maintenance Department at 426-6200 ext. 702 if your heat goes out completely. Siebert Realty prohibits use of space heaters.

All requests for maintenance must be coordinated through our Maintenance Department at 426-6200 ext. 702. The overall condition of the house is the responsibility of the owner; therefore, we must obtain permission to make repairs. If it is determined that a repair was caused by tenant misuse, ex: service calls for drains and toilets clogged with hair or other debris, invoice will be charged to the tenant. Also, if a tenant reports maintenance problem, and no problem is found by the service department, the bill will be the responsibility of the tenant. No other bills will be paid by Siebert Realty. Call our Maintenance Department at 426-6200 Ext 702 if you are experiencing any problems. Any charges must be paid by the 1st of the month with your rent. Tenants are responsible for vacuum bags, vacuum belts and light bulbs, except "specialty" bulbs like exterior flood lights. Tenants are responsible for all yard maintenance. Maintenance requests automatically authorize a Siebert Realty staff member or contractor to enter the property. We cannot guarantee a specific time for any maintenance work.

WINTERIZATION OF OUTSIDE SHOWER- The outside shower at your cottage should be winterized by December 1. This will be coordinated by Siebert Realty maintenance department at no cost to the tenant. Any attempt to dewinterize the outdoor shower may result in broken pipes and the tenant will be held responsible.

INSPECTIONS- All cottages will be inspected every other month. You do not have to be present during these inspections. However, if you have a pet, please contact our office prior to your scheduled inspection to make arrangements for us to inspect the property when you are present. Reminder notices will not be sent for these inspections. Houses found to be below Siebert Realty standards will be given a 5 day notice to reinspect. If the house is still not satisfactory, a cleaner will be sent to correct the problem at the tenant's expense.

SHOWING PROPERTY- Most property owners wish to have Siebert Realty obtain weekly summer rentals. If we need to show prospective tenants your rental property, we will always call first to ask permission. However, if we are not able to reach you and need to show it, a Siebert agent will accompany the prospects to view the house. Please be sure your property is neat, tidy and in "showing condition" at all times.

PET- An unauthorized pet is a very serious violation of the lease and may result in forfeiture of your entire security deposit as well as termination of the lease. Only 2 pets allowed per house, NO REPTILES are permitted, cats must be spayed/neutered and de-clawed. You must have WRITTEN authorization from this office to have a pet. We require a $500.00 pet fee ($200 non-refundable with one pet and $300 non-refundable if you have 2 pets). Please note that the non-refundable pet fee is to be used for our pest control company to treat the house for fleas, and it is NOT used for damages caused by the pet. Any damages from your pet over and above the pet fee will be deducted from your regular security deposit (if necessary).

DISCREPANCY/INSPECTION FORM- Attached you will find an inspection sheet on which to list any discrepancies or problems found with your rental unit so that you will not be held liable for pre-check in conditions. This form must be filled out and returned to Siebert Realty within one week of taking occupancy. This form is designed to protect your security deposit, so please be very thorough when filling it out.

RENTERS INSURANCE- We strongly recommend that all tenants obtain renters insurance. The owner's insurance covers the cottage and their belongings only. A small monthly investment now could save you a lot of money in case of a disaster.

MISCELLANEOUS- Please contact our office if there is any change in phone numbers, job location or any other important information in your file. It is very important that we be able to contact you when needed.

LOST KEYS AND LOCK OUTS- There is a $25.00 service charge for lost keys or tenants locked out after hours or when a Siebert Realty representative must come to the office or go to the property.

LEASE EXTENTION- Please contact our office no less than 2 weeks before the end of your lease if you will need to extend. The owner must be contacted and approval given before your request can be approved. In many cases, the property has already been rented to a weekly tenant and the extension will not be possible.

SMOKE DETECTORS Addendum #3 of your lease is a smoke detector notification form. Please fill this form out completely and return it within one week. Smoke detector batteries are the responsibility of the tenant after this form has been turned in.

Please contact our rental department at (757) 426-6200 with any questions or requests regarding your rental. Any of the rental agents will be glad to help you.

All parties occupying the property who are eighteen or older must make application and sign the lease and addendums.

No verbal statements by any agents of Siebert Realty will negate any rule or regulation stated herewith. All exceptions must be properly noted in writing and signed by the tenant and agent.