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Rent a fully furnished beach home at beautiful Sandbridge Beach for your next Golf Getaway.

Siebert Realty Discount Golf Programs

** Exclusive Discounts for all Siebert Realty Guests **

Hell's Point Golf Course
⭐⭐⭐⭐ $5 Discount Off 18 Hole Rounds

Daily rate fee applies.

Just show your Siebert Realty rental key or paperwork - it's that easy!

Course Description Contact
Hell's Point Par 72 (6800 yards). Located in Sandbridge. 18 hole rounds during all seasons. (757) 721-3400
Heron's Ridge Par 72 (7017 yards). Open play. (757) 426-3800
Virginia Beach National Par 72 (7432 yards) (757) 563-9440
Red Wing Par 72 (7080 yards). Open play week days. 18 hole rounds during all seasons. (757) 437-2037
Kempsville Greens Par 70 (6000 yards). Open play. (757) 474-8441
Cypress Point Par 72 (6740 yards) (757) 490-6300
Stumpy Lake Par 72 (6846 yards). Open play. (757) 467-6119
Honey Bee Par 70 (6000 yards) (757) 471-2768
The First Tee of Hampton Roads Par 33 (1689 yards) walking course with no tee times. Family friendly! Siebert Discount - One FREE bucket of range balls with purchase of a round of golf. (757) 563-8990